Western Forestry Graduate Research Symposium. 2013 Theme: Canopies to Construction: the Ecology, Management and Use of Tomorrow's Forests"
Dr. John Gordon is Pinchot Professor Emeritus of Forestry and Environmental Studies at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. He has served as dean of Yale Forestry, department head and professor at Oregon State University’s Department of Forest Science professor at Iowa State University, principal plant physiologist with the US Forest Service, and as a consultant for numerous international, federal, and private entities. He currently leads the national review of forest and forestry on Native American lands and is a consultant for Interforest LLC. He has authored hundreds of publications, including books such as “Planning research: A concise guide for the environmental and natural resource sciences,” “Environmental Leadership Equal Essential Leadership: Redefining who Leads and How,” and “Forests to Fight Poverty, Creating National Strategies.” He has extensive international experience and awards to his name. Dr. Gordon’s keynote address will focus on the leadership needed in the international world of forestry. For more information: http://www.iforest.com/gordon.htm
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