Hatfield Marine Science Center
From Mark Farley
From Mark Farley
HMSC serves as Oregon State University’s coastal campus and as an oceanographic research base for six state and federal agencies, as well as a resource for K-12 education groups and the public.
Now in our 54th year of operation, we excel in student research opportunities and experiential instruction. We host a thriving summer internship program and offer an array of academic programs for students in community college through post-doc.
The newly built Marine Studies Building houses innovative classrooms and labs design to foster collaboration between disciplines and nurture the next generation of problem solvers.
Historically, academia has been committed to producing specialists. Today, we recognize the need for exceptional multi-disciplinary generalists to address the issues of our day.
With this goal in mind, we are expanding our curriculum and training to include the humanities, social sciences, and arts to answer the call for the next generation’s needs.